Video Gallery:
Please take your time to view these videos. If you have any suggestions or wish to see a video on a particular knife related subject, feel free to visit our page with your suggestions.
Take-Down Skinner
A video show-casing a Take-Down construction skinner.
Ostrich Hide Inlaid Sheath Construction
A step-by-step slide show exhibiting the work involved in an inlaid leather sheath, hand-made by the smith to perfectly accompany the knife.
Heat Treating Jig Demo
This video shows a heat treating jig I use to ensure a proper heat treatment of the steel.
Forging BladeSmith Tongs: Part 1
In this video, I demonstrate the first part of how to forge a pair of Bladesmithing Tongs.
Forging Bladesmith Tongs: Part 2
In this video, I demonstrate the completion of how to forge a pair of Bladesmithing Tongs.
"Traveler" Blade Progression, Part 1
This video is Part 1 of the creation and development of the "Traveler" knife, created from heirloom knives, Camp de Cielo Meteorite, 1084, & 15N20 steel.
ABS JS Test Practice Blade
A video documentation of one of my ABS JS Performance Test practice blades. The blade in this video was heat treated exactly like my actual JS Performance Test Blade.
Forging a Hidden Tang Hunter
In this video of a Demonstration I did at the William F. Moran, Jr. Museum and Foundation, I explain the steps needed to forge a hidden tang hunting knife so that it will match a preconceived design.
Unveiling the New Sign
Unveiling the new sign at the William F. Moran, Jr., Museum & Foundation.